Chemnitz Adventure

join us on the journey

the Webers


Chemnitz is a beautiful city in Saxony, East Germany with a population of nearly 250,000 (making it roughly the size of Stoke-on-Trent).

After the war it was renamed Karl-Marx-Stadt and the socialist GDR left its stamp in other ways too – notably the typical concrete apartment blocks and a large monument to Karl Marx!

In East Germany the majority of the population don't believe there is a God, let alone that his name is Jesus.

tell me all about

and who are we?

The Webers...

We are Markus and Leah, and our four children.

Markus is originally from Germany and Leah is from the UK. We met while we were both studying Theology at university in Germany.

We lived in Stafford for 15 years, working as part of the leadership at Wildwood Church Stafford, a ChristCentral church.

In July 2023 we moved to Chemnitz, East Germany, to plant a new church there. We excited to be a part of what God is doing in this wonderful city.

We have a vision to share the message of Jesus with those who haven't heard it yet. We want to build a church where the good news of God’s love, grace and forgiveness transforms lives, and where people from all backgrounds can come together to worship our amazing God.

Church planting with

ChristCentral Churches

ChristCentral is a family of churches served by an apostolic team led by Jeremy Simpkins. This team works with over 275 churches in more than 25 nations and is part of the wider Newfrontiers family.

ChristCentral carry the prophetic call that ‘we can do more together than apart’ and are now serving many churches & church plants in various parts of the world.

we're going together with

Marburger Mission

The Marburger Mission Foundation has been sending out missionaries for over 100 years. Currently they have 70 people, working in 8 countries.

This is also the organisation with which Markus' parents served in Thailand, where he was born and spent much of his childhood.

We’re really excited to be partnering with the MM in Chemnitz. They are our employers, however, it is our responsibility to raise the sponsorship to finance our salaries.

Join the adventure

We can't do this on our own, so we'd love to invite you to join this adventure with us.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

Keep in the loop

For latest updates, news and prayer points you can sign up to our newsletter

in english

Partner financially

To support our work, you can give once, or regularly through Stewardship

Join our team

We’re praying for people to join us in Chemnitz - could this be you?

...with God
all things are possible!

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